Thursday, February 5, 2009

Literacy Thursday, More Parts

This week's book is one that I found hilarious but which I should have previewed before reading to Emily. The little boy in More Parts by Tedd Arnold is worried by common expressions he hears from grown-ups such as "broke your heart," "jump out of your skin," and "give him a hand." The boy in the story is afraid that he might run out of parts.
Since Emily really doesn't understand these expressions, she might have been more frightened than amused by the story (though she didn't say much either way.) The vivid story and illustrations are quite clever and the gross factor is likely to be appealing especially to little boys.

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE the first "Parts"! That was probably going to be one of my posting books, you just beat me to it.

    I can't wait to find this one! Cavett thinks they are hilarious. He especially likes the brains from his nose.

    Thanks for joining in this week!
